
Limited Time Offer – Critical Illness Insurance

From now until 31 December, enjoy up to 50% of first-year premium refund upon a successful enrolment. Contact our representatives to learn more about our critical illness insurance offers.

More Limited Critical Illness Insurance Offers

Why Do You Need Critical Illness Insurance?

With Hong Kong residents' fast-paced lifestyle, increasing work stress, and unhealthy living habits, the risk of contracting severe illnesses rises significantly. However, many believe they won't fall victim to critical illnesses. Yet, data from the Department of Health shows that in 2019, 36.6% of deaths in Hong Kong were caused by critical illnesses, including three major threats: malignant tumors (cancer), heart diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases (stroke). Therefore, everyone needs critical illness insurance.

^ Refer to the Department of Health's Centre for Health Protection website for death statistics from 2001 to 2019 on leading causes of death:

Critical Illness Insurance Products


BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards 2022

Best-in-class in Whole Life Product

Bloomberg Businessweek

Outstanding Performance - Life & Wealth Management Insurance (Product/Service)


1.Dementia refers to Alzheimer’s Diseases/Irreversible Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders. For Alzheimer’s Disease/Irreversible Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders, only 1 claim could be made under either Major Critical Illness Benefit or Multiple Major Critical Illness Benefit.

2. Major Critical Illness Benefit will be payable upon diagnosis of Major Critical Illnesses listed above and until termination of the Policy. In respect of each Major Critical Illness, the Major Critical Illness Benefit shall be payable maximum once only, except Cancer, Stroke and Heart Attack. Loss of Independent Existence and Terminal Illness will cease after the 1st Major Critical Illness Benefit claim. For Major Critical Illness Benefit claims more than once, it is subject to waiting periods and terms and conditions. Please refer to the terms and conditions in the Policy Provisions for details.

3. Waiting period for Cancer, Stroke and Heart Attack are as follows:
· The waiting period of the subsequent claim on Cancer is at least 1 year from the diagnosis date of all the preceding Cancer(s), given that the first diagnosis of subsequent Cancer is a new Cancer and unrelated to all the preceding Cancer(s); and
· The waiting period of the subsequent claim on Cancer is at least 3 years from the diagnosis date of all the preceding Cancer(s), if the subsequent Cancer is a recurrence, metastasis or persistence of any preceding Cancer(s).
· The waiting period of the subsequent claim on Stroke is at least 1 year from the diagnosis date of the preceding claim(s), given that such subsequent Stroke is new and unrelated to all the preceding claim(s).
Heart Attack:
· The waiting period of the subsequent claim on Heart Attack is at least 1 year from the diagnosis date of the preceding claim(s), given that such subsequent Heart Attack is new and unrelated to all the preceding claim(s).

4. Extra Coverage Benefit will only be payable either on the 1st Major Critical Illness Benefit claim or Death Benefit claim before the 10th Policy Anniversary. This benefit can only be claimed once under the same Policy and it will cease after the claim.

5. Coverage of illnesses will not be applicable to mother (as the Insured before the birth of baby). During the pregnancy stage, Compassionate Refund of Premium Benefit will be payable upon miscarriage, stillbirth, pregnancy termination that is recommended by a registered specialist doctor or death of both mother and baby. The Policy will be terminated upon the claim of such benefit. If Compassionate Refund of Premium Benefit has not been claimed upon the birth of baby, the Policy will continue to be in force and the Compassionate Refund of Premium Benefit will cease. The Insured will be changed to the baby. Please note that birth certificate of the baby is required to be submitted by 14 days before the 1st Policy Anniversary. Otherwise, the Policy will terminate on the 1st Policy Anniversary.

6.  After the 1st Policy Anniversary and during the lifetime of the Insured, but before age 70 of the Insured, the Policyholder may apply to convert the Policy to another life insurance product offered by the Company at the time of such request with the Sum Assured of new Policy same as or lower than that of the existing Policy without further evidence of insurability is required. This option is not applicable to any Policy with any paid or payable claims. Any Substandard Premium or any extra exclusion(s) applicable to the existing Policy will continue to be applied to the new Policy converted under this Guaranteed Conversion Option. Upon successful conversion, this Policy shall terminate and the Company will have no further liability under this Policy. The application for the new Policy is subject to the Company’s the then current administration rule, the selected product’s product rules (including but not limited to issue age requirement, minimum Sum Assured requirement), any other regulatory requirements and the approval by the Company.

The Plan is underwritten by Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited.
Remarks: All information on this webpage is for reference only. Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the product brochure and Policy Provisions for details of terms and conditions, risk disclosures of the Plan.

Above product features do not contain the full provisions of the Plan and the full terms can be found in the Policy Provisions. For details of the definition of Major Critical Illnesses, Early Stage and Minor Illnesses, benefits, conditions for payment of claims, exclusions, risk disclosure and other items under the Plan, please refer to the Policy Provisions.

This Plan may serve as standalone plan(s) without bundling with other type(s) of insurance product. You are required to read the relevant product brochure, the Policy Provisions and the proposals presented by your Insurance Advisers or the Company’s Representatives in order to fully understand the details of the definitions, charges, product features, exclusions, and conditions of payment of claims, etc. plus complete terms and conditions.
Learn more about critical illness insurance offers