
myGENERALI is a self-service online platform that aims to provide a simpler and faster customer service experience. With just a few clicks, you can enjoy 24/7 online access to the following useful resources:

  • Overview of in-force policies
  • Policy enquiry
  • My Profile update
  • Helpdesk support
  • Information Center - useful forms and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Prior to using the online service portal, you will need to have a valid email address registered with us.

If you have already registered your email address, please follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Go to the myGENERALI Online Service Portal via this link:
  2. Register as a new user using your registered email address with Generali’s record
  3. An activation code will be sent to your registered email account
  4. Continue registration by entering the activation code
  5. Registration complete – you can start discovering the portal

  • If you have NOT registered your email address, please download the service form “Request for Policy Change Form - Non Financial” from here, complete and return it to us by post. From the date of receipt, it may take us 4-6 working days to process your request.
  • To check your email registration status, or for further information, please contact our Customer Service Hotline on (852) 3187 6187 or email us at [email protected]