
Employees' Compensation


Submission by email or post: 

Step 1: Complete the Claim Form and gather supporting documents  

Step 2: Submit the documents (completed claim form and all supporting documents)

Step 3: Claims Assessment by Generali     

Step 4: Settlement letter and/or email will be issued to you after approval

If an employee sustains an injury or dies as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, his Employer is obligated to report his case to Labour Department by completing and returning TWO original copy to the Labour Department within the respective time period below:


Please provide original sick leave certificate and medical receipts. The Employer should also keep the record of advance payment paid to Injured Employee.

  • A copy of the completed Form 2/Form 2A/Form 2 B.
  • The original sick leave certificate(s)
  • The original medical expenses receipt(s) (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Assessment (Form 7) (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Compensation Assessment (Form 5) or Agreement between Employer & Employee duly approved by Labor Department
  • Payment record for Compensation paid to Injured Employee

  • If an employee sustains an injury or dies as a result of an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, his Employer is obligated to report his case to Labour Department within 14 days (in case of injury) or 7 days (in case of death) after the accident comes to knowledge by sending the completed the Form 2 or Form 2B.
  • Forms are also available from the Labour Department website or through the Enquiry Service Hotline: 2717 1771
  • The Employer is required to pay Periodical Payment to Injured Employee based on relevant sick leave certificate. The Periodical Payment is a monthly payment of four-fifths of the difference between the monthly earnings which the employee was earning at the time of the accident and the monthly earnings which he is earning, or is capable of earning, in some suitable employment or business during the period of the temporary incapacity after the accident.
  • The period of absence from duty must be certified to be necessary by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner or registered dentist.
  • The Employer is liable to pay the Injured Employee’s medical expenses in respect of medical treatment given by a registered medical practitioner, registered Chinese medicine practitioner, registered dentist, registered physiotherapist, registered occupational therapist or registered chiropractor.
  • As statutory requirements, medical expenses paid to the injured employee with daily maximum of medical expenses payable as below: 

- In-patient treatment: HK$300
- Outpatient treatment: HK$300
- In-patient in a hospital and other than as an in-patient in a hospital on the same day: HK$370


2 sets of original Form 2/Form 2A/For 2B should be submitted to the Labor Department directly

Submit copy of Form 2/Form 2A/Form 2B and other supporting documents to:

By email: [email protected]

By post: Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.,
Hong Kong Branch
21/F, Cityplaza One, 1111 King’s Road,
Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 

Contact Information

Telephone: (852) 3971 2617

Email: [email protected]