
Our Employee Benefits Offering

For small and medium-sized enterprises, we understand your need to maximise business growth and operations efficiency without involving extensive resources. With this in mind, we developed LionCare Group Medical Plan (LionCare), a comprehensive and flexible group medical solution to protect employees, your most valuable assets, allowing you to focus on your business, while we take care of your staff’s health and medical needs.

Why Generali?

  • Serving more than 300,000 employees in Hong Kong
  • Ranked number 1 in Hong Kong group life insurance market1
  • Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers with 190+ years of history

Flexible and Comprehensive Coverage
  • Multiple options for Hospitalisation and Surgery coverage, Outpatient and Dental benefits
  • 700+ combinations of plan options to fit with companies of different sizes
Easy sign up
  • No minimum premium requirement
  • No health declaration or medical underwriting requirements for all sizes of policies
  • No excluded industry
Free doctor choice
  • Members can choose their own doctor
  • We also provide 2,000+ network medical providers in Hong Kong
All-round protection to employees and their family
  • Cover family members of your employees
  • Cover pre-existing conditions after the member has been continuously covered by the LionCare Group Medical Plan for 12 months
  • Member can top up coverage with or convert coverage to Generali’s FlexiPlus plan
Wide range of digital services
  • Generali We Care member portal and mobile app
  • eMedical Card
Extra Benefits
  • Organ Transplant
  • Outpatient Kidney Dialysis
  • Outpatient Cancer Treatment
  • Psychiatric Treatment
  • Pre and Post-Natal Complications

Value Added Service for All Members

Generali Hong Kong has worked with Teladoc Health to deliver a brand-new virtual care experience, and enhance the physical and mental health for corporate employees in the new normal.

Free and Unlimited Teleconsultation Service

  • Cover both general medical advice and mental health consultation
  • Choice of consultant via video and phone call

From now till 30 Jun 2023, successfully apply to get up to 15% off premium with our new LionCare Group Medical Plan