Press Release

One Plan, Multiple Dreams: Generali launches LionTycoon Beyond to fulfill customers' needs along their life journey

Generali Hong Kong, part of Generali Group, a global insurer with 190 years of heritage, has launched LionTycoon Beyond, a savings plan with new elements to add to its flagship LionTycoon series. Featuring competitive projected return rates, short break-even times and flexible payment terms, the high yield participating savings plan is an innovative whole-life planning solution that will help customers accomplish financial goals quicker and faster with higher returns along every step of their life journey.


One Plan, Multiple Dreams. LionTycoon Beyond goes beyond a traditional savings plan, fulfilling multiple dreams at different stages of life, whether for a new-born, young adult, parent or even pre-retiree. With a two years premium payment plan, it is projected to take just 6 years to achieve total break-even, 15 years to double total cash value and another 10 years to quadruple1 based on total premiums paid.  


“We understand that people have different needs at different stages of life. As our customers’ lifetime partner, we have enhanced our flagship savings and life product to help them plan and realise their dreams. For young parents, supporting a child through tertiary education could be costly nowadays. Factoring in tuition fees and cost of living, the cost is estimated to be at least HK$109,000 per year at a local university2, and as high as HK$531,000 per year if studying abroad in UK3. With LionTycoon Beyond, parents can start planning for their new-born child; using US$20,000 annual premium on a five years premium payment term as an example, the wealth grown would provide the new-born child US$35,000 per year from the age 18 to age 21 to support their four years of tertiary education, while a US$125,000 lump-sum would be available for them to start a new family by the age of 35. The plan will continue to grow and provide total cash value of US$1.152 million by the time the child reaches the age of 604” said Rebecca Tan, Chief Distribution and Marketing Officer of Generali Life (Hong Kong) Limited.


Rebecca added, “For pre-retirees, many hope to have a sufficient pool of funds to enjoy their retirement life, but in reality, close to 80% of retirees rely on financial support from family5. If one would invest US$20,000 per year in LionTycoon Beyond for five years at age 45, he/she could receive an annual lump-sum of US$20,000 per year from age 65 onwards for 20 years of retirement. By age 85, he/she would have received a total of US$400,000 throughout his/her retirement life, equivalent to 400% of total premiums paid, and still have around US$126,000 remaining in the policy4. With advanced planning, retirees can take control, avoid becoming a financial burden to their family, and enjoy their new chapter of life.”


LionTycoon Beyond boosts the financial confidence of customers with market-competitive features:


  • Short break-even year and high return rates

The plan with a two-year premium payment term features a short total break-even year as low as 6 years and provides double total cash value based on total premiums paid in just 15 policy years1.


  • Various payment terms with options as short as 2 years

A total of four payment terms, 2, 5, 8 and 10 years, are available to help customers achieve their financial goals based on their needs at different life stages flexibly.


  • Flexible wealth management

Through the Regular and Flexi Lock-in Options, terminal dividends can be accumulated in the Benefit Accumulation Account to earn non-guaranteed interest of 4% p.a.. The partial surrender amount can either be cashed out or allocated to the account for interest accumulation.


  • Legacy planning option

Customers can choose to pass on their wealth and protection to the next generations infinitely and hassle-free through exercising the Legacy Planning Option. The cash value will continue to grow over time for the New Insured once the policy is transferred.


“Our purpose at Generali is to empower people to shape a more secure future by caring for their lives and dreams. Backed by 190 years of the Group’s history, Generali Hong Kong has the financial expertise and foundation to deliver what is promised and expected of us. We never stop innovating and creating new solutions that address the different needs of our customers. LionTycoon Beyond is a top-notch market offer that demonstrates the innovative spirit of Generali as we continuously review and refine our flagship products.” Rebecca concluded.


Special Offers

From now until 31 December 2021, customers can enjoy a premium refund of up to 20% of their first policy year premium upon successful purchase of LionTycoon Beyond.


Please visit the official website for more product and promotion details:

[1] Applicable to Two-year Premium Payment Term, with annual premium of US$100,000. Calculation of total break-even year and total Surrender Benefit includes Guaranteed Cash Value and non-guaranteed Terminal Dividend. It is assumed that all premiums are paid in full when due, no withdrawals, no policy loans and no other policy options were made. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand.
[2] Estimate based on data provided by the University of Hong Kong:
[3] How Much Does It Cost To Study In The UK, Top Universities, 2021: Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand at an exchange rate at 1 pound = 10.57 HKD.
[4] Applicable to Five-year Premium Payment Term. Total Surrender Benefit includes Guaranteed Cash Value and non-guaranteed Terminal Dividend. Figures are hypothetical and strictly for illustrative purposes only. It is assumed that all premiums are paid in full when due, no withdrawals other than that mentioned, no policy loans and no policy options were made. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand.
[5] Research on the actual expenses of retirees in Hong Kong, Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong, 2021: